At Lakeview Rest Homes it is our aim to engage residents in meaningful activity, to stimulate their mind and body and allow an outlet for their creativity. All activities are person-centred so they may be done as a group or on a one-to-one basis depending on the individual’s needs.
We have a minibus which enables us to go on regular trips; in the last few months we have been to the Trafford Centre, Lake Windermere and Farmer Parrs in Fleetwood to name but a few. We are regular attendees at local shows and performances, and almost part of the furniture at Lowther Pavillion, we go so frequently!
From a fitness perspective, we encourage the residents to take part in ‘keep fit’ sessions and we have a daily walking programme to encourage agility and confidence. Within our homes we often have entertainers to ensure that no matter what people’s abilities, they have access to music and entertainment. We have an art tutor and it is with great pride that this year we are having an art exhibition of our resident’s work.

We also encourage the residents to develop interests of their own and interact; be it through reminiscence activities, or setting up groups for things such as dominoes, reading, and prayer. This empowers the residents, giving them a sense of purpose. Think of it in these terms:
- A resident had a garden they tended and took care of, as this is now their home and garden, we should allow them the opportunity and assistance to undertake their own gardening project here.
- Many residents have been proud housekeepers, why should this change if they want to continue to take some responsibility? We should facilitate their wishes and empower them. To do this, we consider what a person may be capable of achieving safely and work out how to help them, for example, decorating cakes or setting up the dining room.
We are also very seasonal in our activities and try to make things as festive as possible. In the summer months we make the most of the weather with regular trips out in the minibus, ice creams in the garden and barbeques. We focus on St. George’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Bonfire Night, 4th July – basically any excuse for a knees up.
At Christmas time the staff work tirelessly arranging Christmas shopping, carol singing, festive pantomimes, and everything to make you feel right at home here and of course there is plenty of sherry to get you in the Christmas spirit.
“Finding the right type of care doesn’t have to be difficult , you are not alone we can help you”
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